If you love to paint but never really had any classes or training, why not join a one-session painting event at your favorite place with your friends?
Next paint party is at Buckeye Jack’s Saloon and Dance Hall in Apple Valley (the old Cadillac Ranch place)

If you do go –and I hope you do– tell Chelsea that I sent you and ask for a discount coupon for your next visit.
I’m Chelsea’s Mom and I always support her latest Hobby Party sessions.
Do you have a birthday, anniversary, special event that shares a few friends who love to hangout and have fun? Then did you know she can go to your home or office, rec hall, or just about anywhere? She even enjoyed a paint party at Maverick Stadium! And I was there. it was crazy fun!
She’s as portable as they come! And if you gather together a large group, she often hires me to be her assistant!!
You get everything on the list (above) to make your next party hassle-free.
For $15 per painter, you get the paint and brushes provided, your 11x 14 canvas, sample pre-painting to help guide you, Chelsea’s directions for everyone, and after you’ve created your masterpiece — full clean up. Awesome.
Sorry. No drinks are covered. A minimum drink is often required by management, though.
An RSVP is always helpful to know how many supplies are needed. For this event Private Message Elaine Nelson, please.
Have fun,
Rusty LaGrange
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