3 Elements of Savvy Marketing

If you’ve arrived at my Biz Blogger Nation post through another link, then welcome! At this location I have tried to divide the elements of savvy business marketing using WordPress posts, email, and the concepts of blogging and Social Media.

You see, many people lump all this marketing writing stuff into one category — blogging.img_0465

But that’s like saying all dogs are alike.

It’s true that blogging is an extension of the marketing side of what you are selling but the Social Media outlets at your fingertips are not the only methods through which to reach out.

So here’s the dilemma: email lists with active readers are as necessary as an active Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram account with the compounding effect of a well-written and active blog. You need all of these pieces to place your product in the face of your readers.

Three Plans of Attack


If I wish to market a book I’ve just written then I need an informational post sent to my Social Media friends to let them know it’s available. I should talk about it, banter about the characters in it, and tease my friends about the storyline … just a bit. I should avoid selling the book due to restrictions of providers and avoid the sleazy, “used car salesman” pressure methods.

No one wants to be badgered by a friend to buy something they may not want. Awkward! I can place a hyperlink here to let them reach my page quickly. My words will disappear from the viewing screen in a day or so — that’s the nature o Social Media.


Then I should go create a nice friendly email letter with several follow-up emails  — maybe placed in an auto-responder service so my friends and readers will receive my info in their inbox. I know it won’t last forever in their email box, and they may not even read it. But I also know that a friendly letter written with a personal flair will be more readable than a heavy-handed sales letter. Be careful how you approach people.

My email might be saved for later reading, may be deleted, or may be flagged for a later look at the details. This is the life of an email.



Now I need a well-crafted blog post to introduce my book to anyone and everyone who visits my website. This is now the meat-and-potatoes of my selling campaign. I can share how the book was created, I can offer a sale, I can give my book away for a limited time, and I will know that all of my words will be archived on my site.

My professional looking blog post is composed of an urgency that my readers notice. They don’t wish to be left out of the premiere. They need to be curios enough to click on the link that will bring them to my new book “page” — not the blog post.

If my readers, and potential buyers, don’t have the time or money to stop and purchase my book, I know that I can send them a reminder email or an updated entry in Social Media to hopefully encourage them to return to my page. I also know that my page is stable and easy to find. It can be bookmarked and revisited.

It is archived on my website as part of my business element that keeps buyers coming to find my book. If I have a new book to add to my author library, then any visitor will see all of my books. More potential sales.


Hawking on the Corner

Do I want to stand on the corner of Maybe and Almost Streets? Is the weather too hot or cold or wet to let anyone stop and buy? Do I want my trunk full of books that I can’t sell because I didn’t use a blog post, an email, or a social media contact? Should I start advertising in magazines and newspapers as soon as I gain enough sales to warrant that expense? Does traveling to bookstores and book fairs give me the exposure I need? Can I afford to hire someone to help me sell my books?

Marketing is now part of your life. If you “self-publish” you must “self-sell.” It’s the difference in moving your product or using it as a doorstop.


If you want to learn more about marketing your book

go to: www.highdesertblogging.com

and www.aflairforbooks.com


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